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How to End a War by George J. Veith

Posted on 10/30/2013 by Roger Young

PDF: How to End a War by George J. VeithAmerica’s exit from Vietnam should not be our template in Afghanistan

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Posted on 10/29/2013 by Roger Young

More than a quarter of military families carry credit card debt over $10,000, a Finra Investor Education Foundation survey found. In addition, a third of those surveyed found it difficult to make ends meet, and half of them had no emergency savings. Active duty service members and discharged veterans face a number of factors that may case financial insecurity, but you don’t have to suffer with debt. There is help available.

Resources for Those Who Serve

Stressors of military life that can aggravate debt include loss of spousal income due to frequent moves, the inability to sell a home when the serving partner is transferred to a new base, low salaries of junior enlisted troops and the lack of employer reimbursem*nt for military moves.

However, you and your family enjoy some debt protection while you are serving, thanks to the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act. Interest is capped at 6 percent for debt the service member incurred before going on active duty, and you can cancel a lease with no penalty. In most cases, your property can’t be foreclosed on while you are on active duty.

Discharged veterans have to resume debt payment within 30 to 90 days after discharge. After leaving the service, vets may need to find new housing, purchase a car and support their family while job hunting, on top of having to pay back old debt. Federal VA benefits may help vets obtain prescription medication, take out or refinance a home loan, receive educational scholarships, take advantage of tax credits or exemptions and receive job training. It can be hard for newly returned vets to get back on their feet, particularly when they no longer receive protection from the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act.

Like all other Americans, veterans enjoy the protection of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, which states that creditors cannot publish your name, threaten you with harm, repetitively telephone you in an attempt to goad you into answering the phone, or call you without identifying who they are. The Consumer Finance Protection Bureau provides free resources for veterans who are being harassed by debt collectors. These can offer you peace of mind and help you formulate a debt repayment plan.

On Your Way to Financial Health

After looking into the resources listed above, the next step is to calculate your total debt and income. This can be scary, but you will need to know how much you owe in order to achieve financial health. Make a plan for paying down bills.

You might look into selling stocks and bonds or cashing in a lump sum annuity. You won’t receive the full annuity amount if you cash in early, but if you can use the lump sum to achieve financial health, it may be worth it.

You can also work with a debt consolidator to lump all your debt into one mass amount, obtain a lower interest rate and lower your monthly payments. Reducing your interest rate fast-tracks debt repayment, because more funds go to the principal.

About the author: Roseanne Sutton is an former Army brat who’s now married to a career Marine. A stay-at-home mom to two boys, she writes about parenting for a variety of blogs.

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Not Paying the Families of our Dead Heroes a National Disgrace!

Posted on 10/09/2013 by Roger Young

UPDATE: Statement by George Little on Death Gratuity PaymentsDoD – 11 Oct 13

UPDATE: Obama signs bill to pay death benefits to families of fallen soldiersFoxNews – 10 Oct 13

UPDATE: Congress votes to restore death gratuitiesArmyTimes – 10 Oct 13

UPDATE: Statement by Secretary Hagel on Death GratuitiesDoD – 9 Oct 13

Shame on You President ObamaThomas More Law Center – Posted 9 Oct 13

Our fax to Speaker Boehner: Not paying the families of our dead heroes a national disgrace! – 9 Oct 13

Military foundation steps up to cover ‘disgusting’ delay in payments for families of fallenNBC News – 8 Oct 13

Shutdown halts death benefits for military familiesArmyTimes – 8 Oct 13

Newsletter comment: According to Col. Oliver North, the president could have corrected this matter by simply signing an emergency appropriations bill. – Roger & Pam

Posted in ALERT!|3 Comments

Vietnam POW 40th Reunion News Coverage

Posted on 10/04/2013 by Roger Young

Submitted by fellow Spur, Clayton Marsh.

Description: On May 24, 1973, President and First Lady Nixon hosted American Prisoners of War held captive in Vietnam for the largest dinner ever held at the White House.

40 years later, the Richard Nixon Foundation hosted what was perhaps their last reunion gathering. The following is a collection of television and print news coverage.

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4 Money-Saving Tips for Veterans

Posted on 09/24/2013 by Roger Young

After military service, veterans can struggle with daily life after serving for such a long time, even monetarily. For example, veterans experienced an unemployment rate of 9.9. percent in 2012, CNN Money reports. For veterans who are out of work or looking for employment, saving up for big purchases can be challenging. Cars, homes, education, supporting a family, and saving for the future are all expenses that Americans have to worry about, including vets. Start saving for that car — or any other big-ticket item — with these tips.

Military Discounts

Vets shouldn’t shy away from asking for military discounts at restaurants, hotels, movie theaters, and other local venues. These discounts are intended to honor you, so take advantage. lists all local discounts for vets. Easily search for discounts, keep more money in your pocket and build that savings account by spending less on your entertainment and travel.

Veteran Thinking

The army teaches about responsibility, honesty and accountability. These same skills can help you prioritize your financial goals and save for items you need, suggests Deborah L. Jacobs in Forbes. As part of being honest, take a hard look at your finances and identify areas where you are overspending and should cut back. Cut back and establish a savings goal, such as $200 per month. Also, for each purchase, save the receipt. Once a month, review your receipts and expenses to hold yourself accountable for sticking to your budget.

Smart Research

Thorough research equips you with the knowledge to ask the right questions and make smart decisions as you picture yourself driving a Ford Fusion or Taurus. Read vehicle make and model reviews on Edmunds to narrow down the field of potential cars to a few cars that fit your lifestyle. Then compare the prices of new or used vehicles. Kelley Blue Book organizes used cars by zip code, so you can view used models available near you and see how dealer list prices compare to the blue book value. Acquire all of the information available to you and negotiate a better price up front.

Number Crunching

You have a savings goal, you’ve taken financial accountability and you’re narrowing down your options. At this point, you can project how much you’ll pay for the car. Take into account vehicle trade-ins, new vs. used statuses and vehicle mileages. If you plan to take out a loan, investigate military car loans. These offer active duty service members and retirees low-interest auto loans,’s Ho Lin notes. Most military car loans come with a lower upfront down payment, longer payback period and easier approval. Loans help you purchase that car faster, and you will need to pay back the loan on time to avoid penalties. Keep in mind if you can purchase the car without a loan, you’ll save money because you won’t have interest adding to your principal.

About the author: Joe Lee is an insurance agent with a writing background in finance and accounting.

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The Benghazi Nightmare Revealed

Posted on 09/19/2013 by Roger Young

The Benghazi Nightmare Revealed

Opinion by Roger Young
September 19, 2013

Today I have been listening to portions of the latest House hearings on Benghazi. What I’ve been hearing brings me to the conclusion that the State Department and administration completely and repeatedlymisjudged the security situation in Benghazi letting their liberal agendas give the false appearance of all was well in Libya following our military intervention, rather than dealing with a rapidly deteriorating security problem or recognizing that the anniversary of September 11, 2001 would perhaps be a good time to enhance security in that troubled region of the world.

Then after everything started goingsideways that fateful night, they immediately switched into a CYA mode and the lies about the video were created in hopes it would deflect blame for their massive incompetence. A rescue mission likely never crossed their minds as the panic set in leading to our President and Hillary Clinton standing before those flagged draped coffins and their grieving families, and telling us and the world a complete fabrication.

Kind of reminds me of when MACV asked to remove the sheep-dipped Air Force radar technicians from Laos (Lima Site 85)knowing a NVA attack was imminent, and Ambassador Sullivan for the sake of international neutrality appearances refused to authorize the removal of the radar team with similar tragic results. And that tragedy was cloaked for many years from the families because it was a highly classified operation. But I digress.

Perception with the liberals appears to be a much higher priority than dealing with reality. A thinking process that is doomed from the very start. Today we have an electorate that continues to elect unqualified people to the highest levels of government based on their looks, swagger,clothes and gift for gab rather than substance, so this is what you get: complete incompetence.

Unfortunately, the most qualified people want no part of modern day politics. They know they would be devoured by their slick opponents and the press. I saw it done here locally to a very good man that happened to be a Korean War vet and patriot years back running for mayor. By the time our liberal press got done with him they made him come across as some nutcase. And he was anything but.

Common sense, morals and hard workhas been replaced by some utopian culture that truly believes “dreams can come true” by simply closing your eyes and clicking your ruby red slippers together. And when they wake up from that dream, which in reality is a nightmare, they run and hide like the cowards they often are.

When the calls came that the consulate was being overrun, their illusion of ‘all is well in Libya’ had become their personal nightmare. And like children they hid under the covers hoping the boogie man would not see them. And when any crisis comes along, our President simply ‘can’t deal with it’ and heads for Las Vegas, the golf course,a fund raiser or best yet, an expensivetaxpayer funded vacation. He and his likeminded appointees are absolutely pathetic human beings, in my opinion, and certainly not my vision of “public servants.”

What I am witnessing is an administration that appears to devote every waking moment to how they can cover up such gross incompetence from Fast & Furious to the recent Syria debacle. And why he won’t submit a real budget orwrite legislation to address the myriad of serious problems we face as a nation, including the many problems with the Affordable Care Act. That takes a thoughtful person, working with his opposition in Congress and simplya lot of hard work and sleepless nights.Why bother! It’s simply not much fun…

If nothing else comes from the tragedy in Benghazi and the blundering with Syria, it exposes this President and his administration for what it truly is: this emperor has no clothes…

Posted in Benghazi Opinion|3 Comments

Countdown to Cripple Creek: Rev Up and Ride with the Vets

Posted on 08/05/2013 by Roger Young

Once a year, the small town of Cripple Creek, Colo., waves their best red, white and blue banners to welcome bikers from all over the country. All gather with one solitary purpose: to honor the men and women who have fought for freedom. The American Veterans Rally in Cripple Creek begins August 16. For the next few days, the riders will celebrate freedom and the people who made it happen. The only question is: will you be there to party with them?

What is Cripple Creek?

Cripple Creek is a historic village that sits at the base of Pikes Peak. The area surrounding the village is full of ghost towns, gold mines and rich, picturesque mountains. The climate during the summer is balmy, making it an ideal spot for bike travelers.

The town calls itself a major tourist destination for a couple of reasons. It has a rich history as a gold city. In 1890, a ranch hand struck gold in the area making this town part of the big rush. In 1961, it received recognition as a National Historic Landmark. Nowadays, Cripple Creek’s claim to fame is its annual motorcycle rally to honor veterans.

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Photo by David Shankbone via Wikimedia Commons

The American Veterans Rally

The three-day event is officially titled the American Veterans Rally and Festival but many just call it the Cripple Creek Rally. Hog riders fill the streets to give back to those individuals that have put their lives on the line for this country. Hordes of bikes rumble down Highway 67 headed into the historic district.

In 2011, the residents of Cripple Creek welcomed approximately 60,000 riders from every state in the union looking to honor veterans. Highlights for this year’s event include:

  • Veterans remembrance ceremony
  • Saturday night street dance
  • Wild West gun fighters
  • Veteran’s parade
  • Military aircraft flyovers
  • Live music

While visiting the town, bikers enjoy the historic flavor of Cripple Creek and its sister city Victor while taking in the rally exhibits.

Honoring the Fallen

The event includes two key features to honor those men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice for their country. This year, Cripple Creek will once again host The Wall, a traveling replica of the Vietnam Memorial.

The other key focus of the rally is the POW Recognition Ride. In its 26th year, the state’s largest motorcycle procession starts at the Woodland Park High School on Saturday morning and travels through the mountains of Colorado before entering Cripple Creek. It’s best to stock up on motorcycle parts beforehand at other festivals, especially if you’re new at biking. Other Cripple Creek Rally-goers will surely be at AMA Vintage Motorcycle Days, where gift cards for motorcycle parts at are given away.

While in Cripple Creek

This area of Colorado has more going on than historic gold mines and motorcycle rallies. While in Cripple Creek, you will want to take advantage of some of the high stakes gaming. You can play in the Veteran’s Poker Run as part of the rally or visit one of the many local casinos.

The area has plenty of recreation to keep bikers busy, as well. It is a mountainous area, so there is fishing, whitewater rafting and kayaking within minutes of the rally.

This is the 21st year that the small town of Cripple Creek Colorado has opened its doors to motorcycle riders wanting to pay tribute to the brave men and women of the Armed Forces. This year you need to plan your vacation around the American Veterans Rally, because come August, the streets will fill up with shiny bikes and people looking to have some fun.

Author: Bruce Carlson– Bruce collects and fixes motorcycles, and then he writes about them. He could not picture a cooler job.

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Wildfires: Economic Warfare Super Panel – William Scott

Posted on 08/05/2013 by Roger Young

Do you ever wonder how some of the wildfires that cost a fortune to battle andofteninflict large economic impact to homeowners and insurance companies have been started? Here’s a possible explanation:

Posted in EDITORIAL: The jihad at home, Videos|Tagged Wildfires|2 Comments

Served Our Country? Need a Car?

Posted on 07/11/2013 by Roger Young

U.S. veterans personify some of the best qualities of the American people and deserve gratitude for their service. From kind words, ceremonies and financial benefits, vets are being recognized across the States for their sacrifice and duties.

Grateful companies within the auto industry have chosen to honor veterans and their families through exclusive financing programs and special discounts.

DriveTime Military Merit Program

The annual percentage rate (APR) on an auto loan varies depending on the lender, an applicant’s credit history and annual household income. DriveTime dealerships are offering active duty service members special financing through the Military Merit Program. Military members with at least 24 months of remaining active duty service are eligible to receive a three percent lower APR compared to other non-military personnel. Service members are approved regardless of credit history and are subject to a low down payment.

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Photo of DriveTime in Richmond. Used with permission.

Chrysler Cash Allowance and Service

Qualified service members and veterans are eligible for a $500 cash allowance and car service for up to three years. The $500 cash allowance can be applied to the purchase of a new Chrysler, Jeep or Dodge vehicle. The three year service package includes lube, oil and filter replacement. Chrysler has specific qualifying criteria for their Military Incentive Program. The cash allowance is offered on top of existing incentives and is a way of honoring veterans for their service. Active duty service members reap the benefits of Chrysler’s gratitude over a span of years.

Ford Military Appreciation Program

Ford shows its appreciation for active duty service members and their families through special pricing and discounts. The Military Appreciation Program provides a special offer towards the lease or purchase of any eligible new Ford car, truck or SUV. Discounts and special offers vary but range in the hundreds of dollars. The best way to determine the amount of special offers is to contact Ford directly. Veterans, active duty service members and their families are honored by Ford for their efforts in defense of freedom and liberty. U.S. auto companies go the extra mile to show their appreciation for the military.

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Photo of Ford dealership in Ohio by Fan of Retail via Flickr

VA Compensation and Disability Benefits

As of 2011, there were approximately 21.6 million veterans living in the United States or Puerto Rico, according to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. These individuals have access to a number of benefits and services offered by the VA. In particular, the VA offers veterans access to compensation for injuries sustained or attributable to service in the U.S. Armed Forces. Compensation is paid based on the severity of injuries sustained and can be applied toward attaining new vehicles or other life-enhancing products. The VA also offers financial counseling and other services that help veterans with financial matters.

Honoring veterans and their families for their sacrifices is just and well-deserved. Veterans and their families have access to many exclusive auto programs and special discounts. Look for special offers and pricing if you are a veteran seeking the purchase of a new or used vehicle.

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Spitfire 944

Posted on 06/13/2013 by Roger Young

Brought to my attention by a fellow Silver Spur, this great YouTube video found from WWII.

The description of the video reads:

“In 2005, an 83 year-old World War II pilot is surprised to see 16mm footage of his 1944 Spitfire crash for the first time.

“SPITFIRE 944 was put on YouTube as part of the Sundance Film Festival Memorial Day observance through from May 22 through June 5, 2013…”

Posted in Feature Stories, Videos|1 Comment

Memorial Day: Path of the Warrior Video

Posted on 05/21/2013 by Roger Young

This powerful YouTube video was brought to my attention by multiple military veterans.

In honor of all our fallen Brothers & Sisters who made the ultimate sacrifice:

Memorial tribute to our fallen 3/17th Air Cavalry Troopers produced by John “Waldo” Pepper:

Posted in Feature Stories, Videos|1 Comment

Military Vet Returning Home? Here’s Help With the Transition

Posted on 05/17/2013 by Roger Young

Life for the men and women serving the United States has its challenges, but it’s also full of achievement and pride for a job many people would not even attempt. However, life after the military can bring a lot of uncertainty. Fortunately, many people, organizations and businesses want to let veterans know they are not forgotten.

Joining Forces

Joining Forces is a White Houseinitiative thatconnects current soldiers, veterans andmilitary spouses with resources to find jobs when they return home.Joining Forces supports employers that createworkplaces that are military family-friendly and schools that are responsive to the unique needs of the military children. It maintains a list of resources for vets, including My Next Move for Veterans, an online tool that allows them to enter information about their skillsand experiencein the field and match it with civilian careers.

In support of our veterans, President Barack Obama created new tax credits to urge employers to hire veterans. He also expanded the Veterans Job Bank, which connects vets with employers looking to hire. First Lady Michelle Obama recently announced the IT Training and Certification Partnership, which helps military members earn information technology certifications in their transition to civilian life.


Many resources are available to servicemen and women after they retire from active service through Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW), an organization that brings veterans together and advocates on their behalf. Membership includes several everyday discounts and benefits for members, as well as the big-picture political and memorial work. Members can get up to a 75 percent discount on prescriptions, help with real estate purchases and mortgages, and discounts on college test prep materials. There are also VFW savings on LifeLock identity theft protection services, USAA auto insurance and Dell computers.

Wounded Warrior Project

Re-entering civilian life can be especially challenging for injured vets. The purpose of the Wounded Warrior Project (WWP) is to helpthem re-adjust. Since each veteran’s recovery process is unique, the project promotes a variety of programs to help military personnel and their families. One is Restore Warriors, an online tool that includes videos of soldiers sharing their strategies. Project Odyssey is an outdoor retreat that focuses on peer connection, challenging outdoors experiences and healing with other combat vets.

WWP’s Our Benefits Service team makes sure soldiers and their families can access government benefits and needed community services. Families also can sign up for the Family Support Program, which means they are eligible to attend all-expenses-paid weekend retreats to connect with other injured vets and families going through similar circ*mstances.

The WWPalso gives career guidance and support services to help vets get and stay employed. Specialists help registered family members and caregivers set goals, network with local employers, create an effective resume and prepare for an interview.

Solders returning home don’t have to feel abandoned. Tap into these resources to help make the transition easier on our soldiers and the families they care so much about.

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Video: Space Oddity

Posted on 05/13/2013 by Roger Young

A revised version of David Bowie’s Space Oddity, recorded by Commander Chris Hadfield on board the International Space Station:

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PC Nonsense a Threat to Us All

Posted on 04/23/2013 by Roger Young

In the wake of the Boston Marathon terrorist attack – yes a terror attack – I think it is long past time that the American people put the PC nonsense behind and quit making excuses for young men in our society that apparently have declared open season on their fellow Americans. From Columbine to the Sandy Hook elementary school massacre to the Boston Marathon, to the killings yesterday in Federal Way near Seattle which claimed five lives including a disabled military veteran, these atrocities have all been committed by young men in their late teens or20’s. Clearly there is a major problem which the mainstream media, lawmakers,our liberal school systems and coddling parents will not address for the sake of not wishing to offend one group or another or in fear of injuring little Johnny’s self esteem.Frankly I’m offended by what has nearly become a daily assault on the American people across the country and the excuses made. Like the bombings in Saigon that took many innocent livesduring the Vietnam war, people that carry out these acts are an enemy of all free citizens.They are acts of Evil, pure and simple.

I offer the following opinion piece by Jay Sekulow as a place to start. In my opinion, it is long past time that our so-called leadership start addressing acts of terrorism as just that. Not classifying the Ft. Hood massacre as “workplace violence” or blaming the Benghazi attack on some obscure YouTube video when it in fact was an attack on the U.S. in Libya. The attempts to understand extremists and their “religion of peace” in hopes they will like us more has been an utter failure and endangers our very freedoms.

I urge you all to read: Boston Marathon bombing lesson – political correctness kills by Jay Sekulow

Additional reading:

PDF:Complaint and Affidavit: United States v Dzhokhar Tsarnaev

Mosque-Related Violence By Rabbi Aryeh Spero – April 23, 2013

Warning: Extremely graphic images from the Boston Terror attack

Opinion: America’s Insane Asylum for Jihadists, Hustlers and Frauds by Michelle Malkin – April 24,2013

Tamerlan Tsarnaev got Mass. welfare benefitsBoston Herald – April 24, 2013

Opinion: America has gone from melting pot to pressure cooker by Erick Erickson – April 25, 2013

Boston Marathon bombers’ next target was Times Square, says BloombergFoxNews – 25 Apr 13

Newsletter comment: There is also other breaking news being reported that the Justice Dept against the wishes of the FBI, shutdown the interrogation of the younger brother and issued him his Miranda rights prematurely.

As with Fast & Furious, Benghazi & now the interrogation of the younger brother, very high level officials within our own government – in my personal opinion – are once again obstructing justice. I await the day when some official or Congress starts legal proceedings against our President, AG Eric Holder and former Secretary of State Clinton and other administration officials for such obvious obstruction. – Roger, co-editor.

Opinion: Aftermath by Oliver North – April 26, 2013

Tsarnaev family received $100G in benefitsBoston Herald – 29 Apr 13

One Fund Boston, Inc.

Posted in EDITORIAL: The jihad at home, Feature Stories|5 Comments

March 29, 1973: Last U.S. Combat Troops Depart Vietnam

Posted on 03/29/2013 by Roger Young

Forty years ago today, the last U.S. combat troops departed Vietnam.

The following article is from Vietnam Veterans of America March-April 2013 edition. A Troop 3/17th Air Cav lost 56 brave Troopers serving our country from 1967-1971. Five during my tour with the Silver Spurs. These fallen heroes are not forgotten by their families or the Troopers that served with them when our country called.

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Statement by Secretary Chuck Hagel on Vietnam Veterans DayDoD – 29 Mar 13

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VFW Commander-in-Chief John Hamilton’s Complete Testimony

Posted on 03/14/2013 by Roger Young

“VFW Commander-in-Chief John Hamilton testified before a joint session of the House and Senate Veterans Affairs Committees on March 5, 2013. His testimony covers the impact of sequestration, female veterans issues, military suicides and mental health issues, the Distinguished Warfare Medal and more.”

Posted in VA, Videos|1 Comment

Obamaville Song

Posted on 02/18/2013 by Roger Young

YouTube videos:

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2nd Amendment in Danger

Posted on 01/09/2013 by Roger Young

In our last post, Supporting our “transformed” Military, we addressed the issue that our military Chaplains are now being told to get with the gay marriage program or get out. Their first amendment rights are apparently meaningless and to my knowledge they have no support from the SECDEF, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs,the Joint Chiefs themselves or any member of Congress.

Now we find our 2nd amendment is under heavy fire;VP Joe Biden today suggested that the President can reform gun control without approval of Congress by the use of Executive Orders.

There is a very disturbing trend here. All of us that served in the military took an oath “to support and defend our Constitution.” The same is true with our elected officials. Yet under this current administration our Constitution appears to be a meaningless document that they abhore and refuse to abide by.

The tragic event at Sandy Hook elementary certainly mandatesa serious andrational discussion on how we can better protect our children and grandchildren as a society. But we can not ignore the Constitutional rights of the American people or mandate the repeal of the 2nd amendment without the approval of Congress and the majority of the states as thoughtfully outlined in our founding document:

Article V:

The Congress, whenever two thirds of both Houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose Amendments to this Constitution, or, on the Application of the Legislatures of two thirds of the several States, shall call a Convention for proposing Amendments, which, in either Case, shall be valid to all Intents and Purposes, as Part of this Constitution, when ratified by the Legislatures of three fourths of the several States, or by Conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the other Mode of Ratification may be proposed by the Congress; Provided that no Amendment which may be made prior to the Year One thousand eight hundred and eight shall in any Manner affect the first and fourth Clauses in the Ninth Section of the first Article; and that no State, without its Consent, shall be deprived of its equal Suffrage in the Senate.


Update: Copy of my fax to President Obama, 9 Jan 2013 – Roger Young

Copy of Chuck’s letter to White House and his elected Representatives, 10 Jan 2013 [Posted with expressed consent]

Opinion: Guns and freedom by Judge Andrew P. Napolitano – 10 Jan 2013

Editorial: The Leftist War Against Freedom by Howard Galganov – Posted 10 Jan 2013

Opinion: It’s about more than guns by Doug Hagmann – 10 Jan 2013

Harvard Gun Violence Study – Posted on our newsletter, 23 Dec 2012

Opinion: Revenge of the O-Team by Oliver North – 11 Jan 2013

Thought provoking read: Bracken: Dear. Mr. Security Agent – Posted 12 January 2013

White House draws criticism ahead of gun control announcementFoxNews – 15 Jan 13

The President’s PlanWhite House – 16 Jan 13

White House fax number: 202-456-2461

Does White House plan enlist doctors in gun control fight?FoxNews – 17 Jan 13

Opinion: Sandy Hook: Obama’s Latest Crisis To Exploit by David Limbaugh – 18 Jan 13

Senate Dems hesitant on Obama gun control planFoxNews – 18 Jan 13

Democrats introduce expanded assault-weapons banFoxNews – 24 Jan 13

A Letter From The Special Forces Community Concerning The Second AmendmentASMDSS – Posted 31 Jan 13

Obama Threatening Veterans’ Gun RightsWND – 22 Feb 13

Veterans forced to prove they’re worthy of gun rightsWND – Posted 11 Mar 13

Courtesy of “Veterans In Defense Of LIberty”

After surviving John Hinckley’s assassination attempt in 1981, Ronald Reagan said:

“You won’t get gun control by disarming law-abiding citizens. There’s only one way to get real gun control: Disarm the thugs and the criminals, lock them up and if you don’t actually throw away the key, at least lose it for a long time … It’s a nasty truth, but those who seek to inflict harm are not fazed by gun controllers. I happen to know this from personal experience.”

Posted in Guns Laws|Tagged 2nd Amendment Rights, Gun Control|9 Comments

Supporting our “transformed” military

Posted on 01/05/2013 by Roger Young

Newsletter comment: Where are our Generals and Admirals on these important matters? Have they lost their voice along with other body parts? Do they care about their soldiers, Marines and sailors? Or have they all become nothing more then politicians in uniform?

It is becoming increasingly difficult to support our modern military as it is being “transformed” throwing core traditions and values in the trash like yesterday’s newspaper while the brass sit there in silence. – Roger Young, co-editor

Proposed Army manual tells G.I.s not to insult Taliban, speak up for womenFoxNews – 12 Dec 12

Opinion: Draft of new U.S. Army handbook must be scrapped by Retired Adm. James A. Lyons – Posted 2 Jan 13

Obama calls Conscience Clause for Military Chaplains “Ill-Advised” by Todd Starnes – Posted 4 Jan 13

Panetta to end ban on women in combatArmyTimes – 23 Jan 13

Defense Department Rescinds Direct Combat Exclusion Rule; Services to Expand Integration of Women into Previously Restricted Occupations and UnitsDoD – 24 Jan 13

Opinion: Combat puts women at unique risk by Kathleen Parker – 25 Jan 13

Follow up: Rescinding the Direct Combat Rule for Women by Gen. Dempsey – 28 Jan 13

VFW slams Pentagon’s drone medal, complains it would outrank Purple HeartFoxNews – 14 Feb 13

“…John Hamilton, the VFW’s commander-in-chief, said in a statement that his organization ‘fully concurs that those far from the fight are having an immediate impact on the battlefield in real-time,’ but added that ‘medals that can only be earned in direct combat must mean more than medals awarded in the rear’…”

Newsletter comment: And people wonder why I’m backing away my support of this modern PC military? How can any war veteran who has served in our military support this PC transformation we are witnessing almost weekly! This is outrageous and makes a mockery of all past military awards in a combat zone! – Roger Young, co-editor

Purple Heart group: New medal ‘insulting’ArmyTimes – 15 Feb 13

Spur President’s Message regarding Distinguished Warfare Medal – 18 Feb 13

Pentagon push to extend benefits to same-sex couples stirs debateFoxNews – 22 Feb 13

Posted in Don't Ask, Don't Tell, Newsletter Op-Ed|18 Comments

Say, “Merry Christmas”

Posted on 12/01/2012 by Roger Young

A good friend sent me this YouTube video link I believe many will enjoy & appreciate. I know I agree! – Roger

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Phone: +342332224300

Job: Future Advertising Analyst

Hobby: Leather crafting, Puzzles, Leather crafting, scrapbook, Urban exploration, Cabaret, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.